Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions About Energy Shiatsu
Who Can Receive Treatments
Treatment Restrictions and Benefits
Is Energy Shiatsu Religious, Scientific, Medical?
Administrative about Sessions
What are the different types of treatments out there?
What type of healing treatment is best for me?


How does Energy Shiatsu work?

Energy Shiatsu works by balancing the body's energy fields, also known as Qi or Chi. The practitioner uses a combination of gentle touch, pressure, and stretching to stimulate specific points on the body, known as meridians, to restore the flow of energy. This helps to alleviate physical discomfort and improve overall well-being.

Is Energy Shiatsu the same as massage?

Energy Shiatsu is not the same as massage. While massage focuses on manipulating the muscles and soft tissue, Energy Shiatsu focuses on balancing the body's energy fields. Energy Shiatsu is a holistic treatment that also addresses emotional and spiritual well-being in addition to physical discomfort.

Can I receive Energy Shiatsu if I am pregnant?

Yes, Energy Shiatsu is safe for pregnant women. However, it is recommended to consult with your healthcare provider before receiving any treatment.

What should I wear for an Energy Shiatsu session?

Wear comfortable clothing that allows for easy movement, such as a cotton t-shirt and sweatpants. It is recommended to avoid tight-fitting clothing, jewelry, and any scented products before the session.

How do I prepare for an Energy Shiatsu treatment?

Avoid heavy meals or caffeine intake before the session. It is also beneficial to avoid alcohol or drugs 24 hours before the session. It is important to be well-hydrated before the treatment. Also, it is important to have an open mind and a willingness to receive healing energy during the session. You may also want to set an intention for your treatment, such as focusing on a specific area of concern or a desired outcome for the session. Lastly, it is recommended to avoid physical activities or sports for a few hours after the treatment to allow the body to fully absorb and integrate the healing energy.

How many sessions do I need?

The number of sessions required for treatment depends on the individual's condition, how long the condition has been present, and the level of self-care being practiced. Those who are well-balanced may only need occasional sessions, while those with more serious or ongoing conditions may require several and more frequent sessions. Many conditions improve after just one treatment, but it may take several treatments over a period of weeks or months to address all root causes. It is best to consult with the practitioner to determine the recommended number of sessions for your condition.

How often should I receive Energy Shiatsu?

The frequency of Energy Shiatsu sessions varies depending on the individual's needs and goals. Some people may benefit from a weekly session, while others may need a session every other week or once a month. It is recommended to discuss your specific needs with the practitioner.

What does the Shiatsu bodywork treatment do?

In general terms and through a variety of techniques, Shiatsu bodywork treatments increase blood and oxygen flow and circulation, increase flexibility and mobility, decrease pain and inflammation, lower resting and overall heart rate, relieve muscles of aches, stiffness and soreness, and create an overall sense of relaxation and wellness.

How does the Energy treatment work?

Energy Shiatsu works by using the practitioner's hands to channel healing energy into the patient's body. The practitioner's hands are used to detect and clear blockages in the patient's energy field, which can help to restore balance and well-being. This can help to alleviate physical discomforts, as well as address deeper imbalances that may be causing or reinforcing problems.

What should I expect during an Energy Shiatsu session?

During an Energy Shiatsu session, the patient will lie on a massage table, fully clothed, unless otherwise requested. The practitioner will use their hands to channel healing energy into the patient's body. The patient may feel a warm or tingling sensation, or may simply feel relaxed and calm. The practitioner may also use gentle pressure to massage certain areas of the body, which can help to release tension and blockages in the energy field.

Can I receive Energy Shiatsu remotely?

Yes, it is possible to receive Energy Shiatsu remotely via phone, Zoom or Skype. The practitioner will work with you at a distance to channel healing energy into your body and/or aura, and you may experience similar benefits as you would during an in-person session.

Is Energy Shiatsu safe?

Energy Shiatsu is considered to be safe and non-invasive. It is not known to have any negative side effects, and it is considered to be complementary in nature, meaning that it can be used in conjunction with other forms of medical treatment. However, as with any form of treatment, it is always a good idea to consult with a medical professional before beginning Energy Shiatsu.

Is Energy Shiatsu safe for babies?

The energy treatments including Reiki, Healing Touch or Holistic Healing are safe for babies as the energy scales down in power to what the baby needs. Various conditions can be addressed including skin, body and mind reactions (redness, anxiety, etc) to birth trauma, vaccines or karma. It is recommended that the treatments take place while the baby is at rest and held by the mother/parent. It's not uncommon during the treatment for mothers to feel an energy shift and a closer, deeper, more intimate connection with their little one. For your convenience, the sessions can be done remotely during mid-day or evening hours.

Do you work with children and teenagers?

Yes. The practitioner has experience working with the New Consciousness Kids, aka. Crystal and Star Children. They tend to be loving, intuitive and conceptual puzzle solvers, yet often bored or troubled when it comes to fitting in the older educational, corporate, religious or other current world structures. They are often diagnosed with conditions such as depression, ADD/ADHD, or Autism, but in many cases the style of communication and teaching is a great catalyst. Please note that the Intake form needs to be signed by a guardian and for younger children, parental presence is preferred.

Is Energy Shiatsu LGBTQI friendly?

Energy Shiatsu is LGBTQI-friendly and embraces the oneness of all individuals and backgrounds. This includes the LGBTQI community, all backgrounds, all races, all religions, all Myers Briggs personality types, whatever! If you're interested in Energy Shiatsu you are very welcome to experience it.

Are there any restrictions to receiving a massage treatment?

Before receiving a massage treatment, it is important to consult with a doctor if you have a serious or acute medical condition. This includes conditions such as back pain, headaches, blurry vision, loss of appetite, and other symptoms that may indicate a serious injury or underlying medical condition. Additionally, if you notice unusual changes in your body that you cannot easily explain, it is best to consult with a doctor before receiving a massage. If you are injured or sick, a massage may worsen the situation. It is also important to note that individuals with high blood pressure, heart conditions, chronic fatigue syndrome, cancer, or who are pregnant should contact their healthcare provider before receiving a Shiatsu bodywork.

Are there any restrictions to receiving an Energy treatment?

It is important to note that pure energy work such as Reiki or Healing Touch is generally safe and has no known contraindications. Touch is not always necessary for the treatment and can easily be performed remotely. If touch is used, it is done so in a light and non-manipulative manner. The Reiki energy flow is gentle and pleasant, and stops flowing when it is complete based on the individual's internal needs.

However, Energy Shiatsu Holistic Healing treatments that involve subconscious work may introduce subtle physical, emotional, or mental side effects. These may include drowsiness, fatigue, headaches, feeling old pains, memories of traumas, or excitement. These symptoms are normal reactions to the treatment and should not last longer than a few minutes or hours.

With deeper and more extensive methods of Holistic Healing or Life Mastery Coaching, where an upgrade to a 5D Crystalline Body is intended and initiated, slightly more invasive side effects may occur. These may include strange aches and headaches, skin changes, changes in diet and appetite, and they simply need to be managed. These symptoms may last for a few weeks or months until the changes are complete. The changes may lead to younger-looking skin, effortless lean muscle growth and fat loss, stronger immune system, increased brain performance, better sight and hearing, and new esoteric/supernatural capabilities.

What are the benefits of receiving ongoing Energy Shiatsu treatments?

Energy Shiatsu is said to have a wide range of benefits A single session can bring great positive results, and if done frequently, the results become cumulative. The more you connect with the Spiritual energy, the better and healthier you feel. Benefits include:

  • a reduction or remission of pains and physical or mental concerns
  • increased feelings of safety, lightness and freedom
  • renewed natural confidence, inner power and belief in yourself
  • increased level of genuine joy and liveliness as the inner batteries are fully recharged
  • an increase in creativity and peace of mind when dealing with life's challenges,
  • physical renewal and enhancements including:
    • younger-looking skin
    • better vision and hearing
    • stronger immune system
    • lean muscle growth
    • longer life (through 'perfect' replication of cells), and
    • increased esoteric / psychic capabilities
  • profound personal transformation and success in desired outcomes
  • discovery and fulfillment of own life purpose and highest potential
  • perfect health, deep self-knowledge, and unshakeable inner peace
  • magnificent self-worth, loving relationships, and a truly fulfilling life
  • personal Heaven on Earth including 24/7 connection with Spirit
  • and much more

How is Energy Shiatsu Holistic?

Energy Shiatsu takes a holistic approach to healing by addressing the underlying causes of physical discomfort, including environmental, social, spiritual, biological, nutritional, emotional, and mental imbalances. The goal is to restore optimal balance and well-being, helping the body to heal itself.

Please note that Energy Shiatsu and Holistic Healing treatments are safe and complementary in nature, and should be used in conjunction with primary health treatments.

Is Energy Shiatsu religious?

Energy Shiatsu is not religious and does not promote any specific doctrine or belief system. The practitioner follows a path of free-thinking, New Age, and esoteric spirituality that emphasizes oneness, compassion, and tolerance. Energy Shiatsu is a healing practice that balances the body with positive divine forces, and may inspire individuals to take responsibility for creating positive change in their lives.

Is the Energy Shiatsu energy real? Can it be seen?

The energy used in Energy Shiatsu is real, but not visible to the naked eye. It is similar to the invisible energy of love, magnetism, gravity, and consciousness. The effects of these energies can be observed, but not directly measured by current scientific methods. However, as technology advances, scientists will be able to study and verify these energies.

Examples? Can you feel the definitively and clearly existing love energy between life partners, mother and child, family members, or human and pet? Can you explain, quantify and scientifically measure that energy? Or have you ever watched a movie or a TV show (scripted or reality) and have been moved to tears by love, compassion, cooperation, unity, or other positive action or emotion (a.k.a. "e-motion", energy in motion) emanating from the screen? How do you feel when you enter a peaceful and beautifully decorated hotel or spa with soft music playing in the background? Compare that with watching or hearing a news channel with an overdramatic commentary of bad news: this energy elicits anxiety, fear, frustration, depression, or destructive separation and anger. Or how about sitting next to a grumpy person vs a peaceful grandmother? Can you feel it? The energy is definitely real, and the more loving and compassionate it is, the better it feels and the more it heals.

BOOK RESOURCE: Life of Qi - Transform Your Life with an Ancient Force

A 15-year journey condensed into this transformative guide, merging insights from global masters and scientists. Uncover the secrets of Qi energy and revolutionize your life. Learn to enhance physical health, mental well-being, and unlock supernatural abilities. This guide goes beyond ancient wisdom, integrating cutting-edge science, allowing you to seamlessly apply Qi energy in your daily life. Manifest abundance, peak performance, and desired outcomes effortlessly. Explore the realms of possibility and start your transformative journey today.

Is Energy Shiatsu scientific/medical?

Energy Shiatsu is based on well-established medical and alternative medicine practices and is backed by scientific research. While it is not considered a mainstream medical treatment, it can be used in conjunction with conventional medicine to enhance healing. It is important to consult with a medical professional before starting any new treatment. Good starter information on many healing modalities is available below in the section about different types of healing / bodywork treatments.

Here's one study comparing Physical Therapy with Energy Healing for improving the range of motion in subject patients with restricted shoulder mobility. And another study demonstrating Body Energy changes within meridians upon Energy Healing of a subject patient who was unable to walk prior to the study, and after the third healing session stood up without help and walked slowly without a walker.

In addition, Energy Shiatsu utilizes many leading-edge developments in Quantum & Multi-Dimensional Physics and Biology such as entanglement (Oneness / Inseparable Wholeness), entrainment (synchronization of physical states, energy healing modalities, and consciousness), and multiverse realities (past / future / parallel worlds in the Now); as well as more and more accepted into the mainstream science Spiritual hypotheses such as for example Consciousness vs Objective vs Subjective Reality and which comes first.

Are you affected by patients' negativity or issues?

I feel compassion for and understand (or take time to understand) the challenges that people are going through or experiencing. Yet at all times my high vibration and bright Light of well-being and wisdom keep me from being affected. It is like shining a bright light on shadows, which makes them less scary/mysterious, and therefore more manageable, or they disappear altogether.

What is the lateness policy?

Our lateness policy states that sessions begin and end at the scheduled appointment time, with a grace period of 5 minutes to allow clients to become grounded before leaving. Adhering to the scheduled time allows the practitioner to give all clients their best presence and readiness.

How does the Session Overtime work?

Session Overtime works by allowing clients to request additional session time during their primary session or within a 5-minute grace period after the session. If the therapist is available and the client wishes to extend the session, extra time can be added. The additional session time is charged at the same rate as the regular Energy Shiatsu services of longer lengths, and is paid for at the end of the session.

Is Energy Shiatsu covered by insurance?

Energy Shiatsu is a member of the Preventative Health Services Group; however, please note that Energy Shiatsu sessions are not registered and RMT insurance receipts cannot be issued. Some Extended Healthcare insurance plans may cover Energy Shiatsu when prescribed by a Doctor. Please check with your insurance provider whether your plan covers this treatment. Energy Shiatsu practitioner is Independent, that is, not reporting to any regulatory body with confidential information.

Do you offer lower rates for people with financial challenges?

For those with financial challenges, please contact us via email and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.

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What are the different types of healing / bodywork treatments out there?

Most healing / bodywork treatments fall into two main categories:

Feel free to ask your practitioner for a recommendation of high-quality practitioners of the listed modalities.

Relaxation Treatments or Massage Options

Energy Shiatsu – a gentle and meditative combination of divine Reiki and Healing Touch energy (see Reiki below), and Shiatsu deep tissue massage, which involves precise thumb pressure on specific pressure points. Energy Shiatsu is designed to induce deep relaxation, full rest of the body and mind, and restoration of well-being and vitality. Physical cleansing and/or regeneration of cells, organs, tissues or bones may also occur, if appropriate. Energy Shiatsu is performed on a massage table or a padded floor with the patient fully clothed. The Holistic Healing option expands Energy Shiatsu, Reiki and Healing Touch with subconscious work, Talk Therapy and basic Energy Coaching.

Reiki or Healing Touch – with no or minimal touch practitioner channels esoteric/divine energy in a particular pattern to heal, harmonize, balance or restore order to the body whose vital energy has become unbalanced. The main benefits include deep relaxation, clearing of energy blockages, detoxification of body systems, new vitality in the form of healing Universal life energy, and an increase of vibrational/divine frequency of the body. Reiki and Healing Touch are usually performed on a massage table or in a chair with the patient fully clothed.

Swedish or Therapeutic massage – most commonly known as massage for stress relief, relaxation and releasing of cramped or tense muscles. Swedish is a whole-body massage, while Therapeutic massage focuses on specific areas or problems. Using oils and pressure or rubbing, the main purpose of these massages is to increase the oxygen flow in the blood, release toxins from the muscles, and stretch ligaments and tendons. The massages also stimulate the skin and nervous system while soothing the nerves at the same time. They reduce physical and emotional stress, and therefore regular sessions are highly recommended for stress management.

Hot Stone massage – deep relaxation is induced by gliding or placing smooth heated cobblestones over different points on the body. As the heat penetrates deep into the muscles, it soothes and melts away tension and stress. It also calms the nervous system, helps increase the circulation of both blood and lymph systems, and stimulates the body’s natural self-healing energies.

Reflexology – a holistic healing technique applied to feet and sometimes hands aimed to induce a state of balance and harmony in the body, mind and spirit. It is based on the principle that areas on the feet (and hands) correspond to all the parts and organs of the body. Pressure applied to specific points on feet (or hands) clears congestion and restores normal functioning and health in the connected related areas.

Craniosacral therapy – gentle touch and manipulation from the cranium (skull) to the sacrum (pelvis bone) to regulate cerebrospinal fluid and its "respiration" along the spine to relieve headache stress and tension.

Lomi Lomi – Hawaiian massage method uses spiritualism, rubbing techniques and direct pressure to encourage whole-body health and spiritual harmony.

Aroma or Ayurvedic Therapy – using a combination of different essential oils together with a hand or palm massage, a revitalizing balance is achieved on physiological and emotional levels.

Chair massage – designed for on-the-go fully clothed sessions for quick relief, mostly only of shoulders, neck and back. Usually there is a lack of privacy that prohibits full relaxation.

Palliative massage – soothing and nurturing massage for people with a terminal illness, degenerating disease, chronic stress, or with aches and pains of an aging body. The goal is to offer comfort and freedom from pain.

Deep Tissue, Mixed or Specialized Massage Options

Energy Shiatsu – a relatively gentle and soothing yet deliberate and precise deep tissue massage with an addition of guided breathwork and divine Reiki and Healing Touch energy to ensure a deep and lasting tension release. Energy Shiatsu is a highly customized treatment utilizing the Tokujiro Namikoshi style of Shiatsu. It stimulates key pressure points along the body Meridians to restore physical well-being. Energy Shiatsu, just like true Japanese Shiatsu, is not painful. Energy Shiatsu is performed on a massage table or a padded floor with the patient fully clothed. Optionally (for greater relaxation and upon request) a down-dressed version is available with the use of high-quality oils.

Shiatsu – a unique, non-invasive treatment designed to stimulate the body's inherent ability to heal itself. Shiatsu helps restore the body systems to work at their optimal level and make you overall healthy. Shiatsu helps melt away muscle tension and work-related stress, headaches and back pain. The true Japanese Shiatsu is not supposed to be painful - it is gentle and soothing. It can balance all body systems including skeletal, muscular, nervous, integumentary, endocrine, cardiovascular, immune, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, urinary and reproductive. Shiatsu is performed on a massage table or padded floor with the patient fully clothed.

Chinese Shiatsu or Tui-na (or Japanese Anma) – a Chinese form of deep tissue treatment designed to open and balance the body’s energy centers and get the energy moving in the meridians and the muscles. It uses gentle brushing or very firm kneading, rolling, pressing, rubbing, shaking, lifting and squeezing. Chinese Shiatsu or Tui-na are usually performed on a massage table, either with oils over bare skin or with the patient fully clothed.

Deep Tissue massage – a massage that focuses on deeper layers of muscle tissue and aims to release chronic muscle pain or tension. It annihilates muscle fiber knots, removes toxins, treats stiff and painful spots, and can break up or eliminate muscle scar tissue. Due to the invasive nature of this massage, it can be painful during and right after the session, with most relief from soreness manifesting within a day or two. This type of massage is ideal for athletes or people undergoing physiotherapy. It usually uses oils over bare skin.

Sports massage – combining Deep Tissue massage, Shiatsu, Swedish massage, and optionally Myofascial Release sports massage is designed primarily for highly active people. It identifies and addresses problem areas before they develop into injuries (or treats injuries), increases range of motion and performance, increases or restores suppleness and elasticity, frees muscle adhesions, and increases body awareness reminding to be more diligent with stretching after workouts.

Thai or Tibetan massage – an active and energizing massage involving manipulation, movement, stretching, kneading, and even being walked on. Thai massage improves energy, flexibility, and overall well-being. Tibetan massage adds a sophistication of 5 basic elements (earth, water, fire, wind, space) and may involve acupressure, Reiki and Myofascial release techniques. Both are usually performed on a padded floor with the patient clothed.

Osteopathic therapy – taking into account that structures and functions of the body systems do not work in isolation, the osteopathic hands-on physical techniques balance body stresses and strains to correct imbalances. Osteopathy is especially useful with chronic muscle or joint tensions. Contact Energy Shiatsu for a recommended Osteopath who's a Medical Doctor who is also trained in Alternative Medicine approaches.

Orthopedic massage – often part of a rehabilitation program following an injury, orthopedic massage treats specific conditions or areas of the body.

Trigger Point therapy – similar to but unlike Deep Tissue massage which works directly with the problem areas, Trigger Point massage focuses on specific areas of the body that affect or trigger other parts of the body. The practitioner works deeply on the source problem muscles to release and unclutch the destination problem muscles.

Neuromuscular therapy – a subset of Trigger Point therapy where a highly trained practitioner applies pressure to areas that are sensitive to touch or with muscle spasms to treat injuries, chronic pain involving muscular or nervous systems, poor circulation or posture problems. Neuromuscular therapy might be painful at first, but it should relax as the circulation of oxygen and blood is restored to the muscles.

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What type of treatment is best for me?

Feel free to ask your practitioner for a recommendation of high-quality practitioners of the listed modalities.

Relaxation Treatments and Massages

"Centering" / Balancing / Relaxation / Psychological Healing / Emotional Healing / Spiritual Healing
Healing or Therapeutic Touch works on the heart and mind:
• Energy Shiatsu, Holistic Healing, Chakra Balancing, Talk Therapy, Life Mastery Coaching
• Reiki, Healing/Therapeutic/Quantum Touch, Aroma, Craniosacral, Lomi Lomi, Reflexology, Palliative

Slightly Sore / Stiff / Tight Muscles
Loosen the muscles and stimulate circulation:
• Energy Shiatsu, Lomi Lomi, Swedish, Tibetan, Hot Stone

Stress / Tension / Poor Sleep / Anxiety / Depression
Relax mind & body and create a sense of peace and well-being:
• Energy Shiatsu, Swedish, Aroma, Craniosacral, Holistic Healing, Chakra Balancing, Life Mastery Coaching

Headaches / Migraines / Sinus Problems / Breathing disorders
Relieve tension to feel at ease:
• Energy Shiatsu, Craniosacral, Swedish, Reflexology, Aroma, Holistic Healing, Chakra Balancing

Arthritis / Joint Pains
Reduce inflammation to ease aches and pains:
• Energy Shiatsu, Swedish, Reflexology, Aroma, Chakra Balancing, Holistic Healing

Digestive problems / Circulatory problems
Stimulate key pressure points:
• Energy Shiatsu, Reflexology, Holistic Healing, Chakra Balancing

Cancer / Tumors
Complement Western medicine with a relaxation massage or Energy Work to reduce cancer symptoms or side effects of treatments, eg. reduce pain, swelling, fatigue, nausea, depression, and improve the immune system. Optionally invest in Integrated Care or Holistic Healing to improve your general well-being and internal healing/health long-term.

Deep Tissue, Mixed or Specialized Massages

Very Tense Shoulders / Neck / High-Mid-Low Back
Mixed approach: first relax the mind, release tension, and calm the nervous system; then work muscles deeply:
• Swedish, Lomi Lomi, Hot Stone, Energy Shiatsu
• Osteopath, Tui-na, Deep Tissue, Tibetan, Thai

Sitting work: Shoulders / Forearms / Hands / Fingers / Carpal Tunnel
Deep and slow pressure to soothe symptoms:
• Osteopath, Thai, Tibetan, Deep Tissue, Energy Shiatsu, Hot Stone, Reflexology

Sore / Achy / Tired Feet / Calves / Legs
Rejuvenate and restore circulation flow:
• Reflexology, Hot Stone, Tibetan, Thai, Osteopath, Sports Massage, Energy Shiatsu

Mild or Medium / Uncomfortable / Chronic Pain / Repetitive Strain
General targeted manipulation:
• Thai, Tibetan, Deep Tissue, Tui-na, Osteopath, Sports Massage, Energy Shiatsu

Sports / Physically Active / Maximum Performance
Specific targeted manipulation or energy work:
• Sports Massage, Osteopath, Deep Tissue, Tui-na, Thai, Tibetan, Energy Shiatsu

Injury / Illness Rehabilitation
Physical and Energy work:
• Orthopedic, Trigger Point / Neuromuscular, Sports Massage, Osteopath, Energy Shiatsu

• Ongoing Energy Shiatsu, Swedish massage, Thai massage, nurturing touch or gentle rocking to soothe aches
• Energy Shiatsu, Acupressure, Lomi Lomi, or Myofascial Release to refresh circulation and decrease spasms
• Pool/Water Exercise for increased movement
• Custom by-feel protocol including full-body relaxation, movement of lymphs, and nutritional detox
• Energy Shiatsu, Craniosacral therapy, Aromatherapy, Qi-Qong, and Yoga to reduce stress and enable self-healing
• Holistic Healing or Life Coaching for emotional and mental energetic release and stress reduction

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