Energy Shiatsu: A Holistic Approach to Wellness

Energy Shiatsu is a unique blend of Shiatsu bodywork, Reiki & Healing Touch, Chakra Balancing, Life Coaching, and much more. The holistic approach to wellness is designed to help with incurable or "impossible" health or life challenges, including physical and emotional conditions and spiritual blocks.

Energy Shiatsu Modalities: Shiatsu, Reiki, Healing Touch, Chakra Balancing, Life Coaching Deep tissue SHIATSU bodywork is an intuitively guided form of deep yet gentle thumb pressure that relaxes muscles, calms the overactive nervous system, improves circulation and promotes self-healing.

Subtle yet divine REIKI energy flows from the practitioner's hands into the patient and adjusts in strength and function depending on the patient's state.

Loving and comforting HEALING TOUCH guides the patient's energy field towards balance and works in harmony with standard or alternative medical care.

Proven to be highly effective TALK THERAPY + Silence provide a private, confidential and compassionate space to explore, clarify and improve behaviours, thoughts and feelings related to current or past events.

Practical, insightful and unique LIFE COACHING guides clients through all kinds of life challenges with clarity and courage, helping them identify and fulfill their hopes, goals, dreams and personal miracles.

The clinic atmosphere is clean, peaceful and comforting. The Energy Shiatsu practitioner is polite, friendly and passionate about helping you reach your wellness goals with complete service satisfaction.

The techniques and solutions at Energy Shiatsu, if congruent with you, are better, faster, more practical, more honest and compassionate, more real and true, and simply better-feeling than most traditional therapies. They are especially useful after clients have tried just about everything.

THE PROMISE: To provide a 100% safe and open-minded space for all your thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs, fears and concerns without judgment.

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Energy Shiatsu and Holistic Healing
Booking Policy

About Life Mastery / Miracle Coaching Programs

Who We Truly Are - Life Mastery Coaching Life Mastery / Miracle Coaching is a holistic approach that utilizes various modalities to help you achieve a sense of calm and ease, and to manifest the life you desire. Our coaching helps you tap into the love, peace and happiness that already exists within you, as well as the full potential of your true self.

Through our guidance, you will be able to unlock and access the power of your free will, allowing you to live a life full of joy and fulfillment. You will be empowered with vitality, courage, intuition, and strength to accomplish your wildest goals and deepest desires. All of this is possible when you align your goals and desires with your life purpose and destiny.

Our coaching can help you improve your physical health, strengthen your relationships, achieve success in your career or business, or even fulfill your bucket list. We believe that every individual has the potential to radiate peace and harmony in the world, while living a fulfilling and abundant life.

Life Mastery / Miracle Coaching is an efficient and direct approach to personal growth, helping you avoid stress, struggle, and hard work. By working with us, you will save yourself years of trial and error, and gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your needs.

Life Mastery Coaching wisdom

Energy Shiatsu offers several different coaching programs to match your unique needs and goals.

  • Transformational Life Mastery / Miracle Coaching is an in-depth program that focuses on healing and exploring your life, challenges, and karmic attributes, as well as upgrading your character, habits, and vibration. This program takes at least 3-12 months to fully integrate and see big results.
  • Discovery Coaching is a 2-hour intensive that offers accelerated guidance on specific topics such as personal life, relationships, career, finances, or spiritual growth. This program is best for those who have been working on their life puzzle for a while and are seeking a missing piece.
  • Business Coaching is designed for those who want to improve their business through Divine co-creation, ease, flow, innovation, and expansion. This program focuses on your Divine connection, vision, mission, direction, strategy, funding, sponsorships, attracting ideal clients, streamlining operations, and more.

As your Master Life Coach I am:

  • Always on your side
  • Real and to-the-point
  • Discrete and confidential
  • Friendly and non-judgmental
  • Practical and at-your-pace
  • Work with your schedule
  • Help you past obstacles
  • Cheer you on or challenge you
  • Committed to your success & happiness
  • Available between sessions to support you

All of our coaching programs leverage pure and high Light energy, which is heart-based, loving, compassionate, and synchronicity-enabling. During the initial intake session we will determine if we are a good fit and which program will best suit your needs. Contact us today to start your journey toward life mastery and miracle manifestation.

How do the Coaching programs work?

The coaching sessions are designed to address these issues and help you move forward in a positive direction. They involve a combination of techniques, including energy work, talk therapy, and life coaching, to help you understand and overcome your challenges. The sessions are tailored to your individual needs and goals, and progress at your own pace. The coach will work with you to identify and resolve any physical or emotional concerns, as well as address any underlying issues that may be holding you back. The ultimate goal is to help you achieve balance, clarity, and solutions in your life, so you can easily achieve your desired life goals.

How do I know I need coaching?

If you're experiencing any of the above feelings or situations, coaching may be beneficial for you. It can help you identify the root cause of your problems and provide you with the tools and support you need to make positive changes in your life. A coach can help you navigate through difficult emotions and provide guidance on how to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals. They will help you to understand your emotions and develop a plan for moving forward. It's important to remember that everyone's journey is different and it's okay to reach out for help when you need it.

How can Energy Shiatsu Coaching benefit me?

Who We Truly Are - Energy Shiastu Life Coaching Energy Shiatsu Coaching can benefit you in many ways. It can help you achieve balance and clarity in your life, allowing you to handle any problems with calm and ease. It can increase your personal power and motivation, and improve your perspective on life and the world. You will start to experience good things happening more frequently, and have the ability to handle negative situations with ease and a peaceful demeanor. Your energy, courage, and drive will increase, and your to-do list will shrink as everything gets done with ease and grace. The background hum of struggle and anxiety will fade out of your life and be replaced with radiance and ease. Your intuition will become clearer and more reliable, and your luck and synchronicities will be a daily normal. With a strong connection to your Higher Self, Soul, and Source/God, you will feel satisfied, fulfilled, positively powerful, invincible, and overflowing with great love. You will be living your best life, feeling great about exciting life opportunities and adventures, and making a big difference in the world by co-creating miracles with Spirit as your new Best You.

So when Enough is Enough and You're Ready for Change

It's important to remember that change takes time and effort, but it is possible to achieve your goals with the right guidance and support. Energy Shiatsu Coaching programs are designed to help you identify and overcome the obstacles that are holding you back, and to help you tap into your inner power and potential. If you're ready to make a change and take control of your life, reach out to the Energy Shiatsu Master Life Coach today to learn more about how the program can help you achieve your goals. With the right support and guidance, you can transform your life and live a happier, more fulfilled life.

About Energy Shiatsu and Holistic Healing

Energy Shiatsu and Holistic Healing combine traditional Japanese massage techniques with energy work to promote balance and wellness in the body, mind, and spirit.

The practitioner will consider the client's physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual lifestyle and may use a variety of techniques such as Reiki, Healing Touch, and Soul energy work. The practitioner may also incorporate Aroma, Sound, and Crystal therapy during the session.

In-person treatments are performed on a massage table or padded floor with you fully clothed and without the use of oil. Please bring and wear comfortable, warm clothing such as a cotton t-shirt, sweatpants and socks. A blanket is available if you are or get cold, or simply wish to be covered.

Swedish-style relaxation treatments are available upon request. Please communicate your preference at the time of booking in the Notes section. These sessions are performed with or without oil, at whatever your comfort level. A high-quality massage oil is used such as Melrose, Birch or Coconut.

Reiki, Healing Touch and Soul energy work involve the practitioner positioning his hands either over or around or lightly resting on your body. The practitioner may move his hands in different ways or hold them still for a few seconds or minutes.

Energy Shiatsu and Holistic Healing Benefits

Energy Shiatsu and Holistic Healing can provide a wide range of benefits for both physical and mental well-being.

Energy Shiatsu sessions can help to relieve muscle pain and stiffness, as well as stress, headaches, fatigue, anxiety, and depression.

Holistic Healing sessions can address deeper or chronic challenges, such as infertility or post-partum depression, and may also support cancer care and deepen a spiritual connection.

The sessions can leave you feeling renewed, re-energized, and more capable of achieving your goals in life, and may have lasting benefits such as increased inner peace and balance, greater mental clarity and creativity, expanded awareness and emotional stability, and boosted immunity.

Useful Information about Your Sessions

It is recommended to avoid eating heavily or consuming certain substances before the session, and to arrive clean and ready for the treatment. Turning off your electronics will assist with a non-interrupted session, lessened electromagnetic interference, and an overall better experience. Removing hand, leg or neck jewelry might be helpful for treatment in those areas.

The first Energy Shiatsu session may begin with a few minutes of conversation to get to know you and your health history in order to increase the benefits of the sessions ahead.

Shiatsu thumb pressure During the treatment you are encouraged to communicate your preferences for pressure and specific areas of focus, and to let the practitioner know if you experience any pain or discomfort during the treatment. Energy Shiatsu is generally a very relaxing experience, but in some cases, stronger pressure may be needed to relieve muscle knots or other issues. The practitioner will work to ensure the client's comfort and well-being throughout the session. Note that good feedback leads to a more personalized, feel-good experience that fulfills your expectations. Again, please let the practitioner know immediately if you are experiencing ANY kind of pain or discomfort.

For some specific conditions such as extensive myofascial entanglements or very out-of-tune energy field, it may be necessary to receive a few treatments as it takes time to gradually work and manifest positive changes.

During treatments, the atmosphere is usually quiet, however, feel free to talk, ask anything, make requests, cry, or sleep. Your job is to completely relax and let go. Ideally with your eyes closed, you'd linger right at the fine threshold between awake and sleep.

Alternatively, you're welcome to help the rejuvenating process with relaxed deep breathing into the areas being worked. In case of any visions, emotions or fears coming up to your conscious awareness, be gentle and loving with yourself as you process, forgive and release them once and for all.

After the session it's important to listen to your body and give it the time and space it needs to fully integrate and process the changes brought about by the Energy Shiatsu or Coaching session. The recommended self-care practices after the session, such as drinking water and taking a warm bath, can help to support the healing process and enhance the benefits of the treatment.

Remember that healing is a continuous process and self-care is important after a session. The ultimate goal is to reach balance, clarity, and inner peace. Be patient and compassionate towards yourself as you work towards well-being.

Energy Shiatsu Booking Policy

When booking an Energy Shiatsu session, please note that online booking must be completed at least 18 hours prior to the start of the session. For last-minute bookings, please call or email to check availability.

Phone, Zoom, Skype or WhatsApp sessions may also be available on certain days, but it is recommended to call or send an email 24 hours in advance to check availability. For remote sessions, payment must be made in advance at least 18 hours prior to the session.

In-person or in-home sessions require payment at the conclusion of the session, and forms of payment accepted include cash, credit/debit cards, Apple Pay and Android Pay. If prepaying session(s) in advance via PayPal, eTransfer/Email-Interac or Cheque, the transaction must be completed and cleared prior to the [first] session.

GST/HST will be added for Canadian patients, and international patients are tax-exempt for remote sessions with proof of residence.

Tips are optional and at the full discretion of patients. If you feel that the practitioner provided over and beyond service or experience, you're welcome to express your appreciation with a gratuity at checkout.

Profile Creation during the online booking process allows for faster future bookings and easy cancellations or rescheduling. The booking confirmation email contains RESCHEDULE and CANCELLATION buttons.

Appointment Cancellations or Rescheduling require 24 hours' notice. There is no charge for the first genuinely late notice or missed appointment (no-show); however, all future appointments will need to be prepaid whether or not attended.

The session begins at the time of the scheduled appointment. If you are late, the session must conclude as scheduled out of respect for the next client. Clients are responsible for the full cost of the originally scheduled appointment. In case of the availability of a gap before the next client, additional session time can be purchased.

Energy Shiatsu practitioner reserves the right to refuse treatment if a patient is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or displays inappropriate behavior. You as the patient may also refuse any or all parts of the treatment at any time. Please note that full session fees apply.


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